Antalya Book Fair 2015

Книжная ярмарка в Анталии

Paper books are not really popular in Russia nowadays. Those people reading books prefer electronic versions, libraries are almost empty… It feels like children won’t even know what library is soon. What about book shops? Yes, they exist as a place to buy textbooks and as a last resort for people loving “real” paper books.

What about Turkey?

Many shopping malls have large book sections. There are lots of people inside. I was trying to find books for children in Internet, but there were nothing to download. All results were linking to descriptions or web stores with “real” books. Newspapers are also quite popular and can be found in every small supermarket.

To say the truth, I am living just 9 months here and cannot be sure about the amount of people reading books. I will try to write something about it in a year, when I learn more about Turkey.

Once in a year, book fairs are being held in Turkish cities. Antalya book fair was held between 09 and 18 October, in Cam Piramit.

Everyone is free to enter. A security check first. And a red carpet then…

Antalya Book Fair, October

Lots of different books: belles-lettres, science fiction, historical, children… etc.

Book fair 2015, Antalya

Some tables represent whole publishing house…

Book Fair Cam Piramit

Some tables represent single author (and some authors are standing right there too). One of the most numerous books is “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry. Either because of new cartoon “The Little Prince” screening, or this books is just popular in Turkey by some reason…

Glass pyramid book fair

There are some educating toys for children. People of all ages can find something interesting 🙂

Book Fair near 5M Migros, Antalya

People are happy to do their shopping!

Is book fair popular?

Cam Piramid (glass pyramid) park is a good place to have a walk.

Where is a book fair? Antalya, 2015

Book Fair

Flights to Antalya:

Hotel prices in Antalya: