Winter Long Trip 2014: Armenian sights
Монастырский комплекс Гегард в Армении. Достопримечательность ЮНЕСКОArmenia
We started our way here! Day 12 This day we visited five more churches in Armenia. All of them located near Yerevan. Yes, you’re right, FIVE churches!
Winter Long Trip 2014: road to Yerevan
Центральная площадь Еревана. АрменияArmenia
Beginning of the trip. The way from Tbilisi to Yerevan is quite short. Just 300 km. But roads are really curvy 🙂 Here is the border. What do you need in
The Temple of Garni (Armenia)
Храм Михра в ГарниArmenia
The Mountains, Armenia
Где-то в горах АрменииArmenia
Winter Long Trip 2014
ТурцияWinter Long Trip 2014
Winter is good for visiting places that are overcrowded by tourists in summer. Hotels are cheap, cafes and restaurants are waiting for clients, life is