Winter Long Trip 2014: Armenian sights
Монастырский комплекс Гегард в Армении. Достопримечательность ЮНЕСКОArmenia
We started our way here! Day 12 This day we visited five more churches in Armenia. All of them located near Yerevan. Yes, you’re right, FIVE churches!
For those in love with… Czechia
Вид на ПрагуTravelling
Part 1. Prague I believe that each city has its own spirit and soul. And if you like and respect it, the city will show you its secrets, hidden paths and
Winter Long Trip 2014: road to Yerevan
Центральная площадь Еревана. АрменияArmenia
Beginning of the trip. The way from Tbilisi to Yerevan is quite short. Just 300 km. But roads are really curvy 🙂 Here is the border. What do you need in
Azerbaijan-Georgia border, new year in Tbilisi
Салют в ТбилисиWinter Long Trip 2014
Our journey starts here: – First 6 days of adventure in Russia; – Azerbaijan’s border in Dagestan, walking along Baku (Days 6-7);
Ski resorts of Georgia: Bakuriani
Горнолыжный курорт Бакуриани. Грузия.Ski Resorts
Georgia is famous for its ski resorts. We have already posted about Gudaury – one of the best resorts of the country. This article about another
Горячий источник. Боржоми. Грузия.Winter Long Trip 2014
All people from Russia and ex-USSR know “Borjomi” name. It is the name for a famous mineral water. So we decided to visit this small town.
Georgia: holy places. Saint Nino
Святые места ГрузииGeorgia
Katskhi Pillar The Katskhi Pillar was known as a holy place even before Christianity in Georgia. In 6-8th centuries, the Church was built on the top of it.
Saint David’s “Mamadaviti” church
Тбилиси фото с высоты пантеона на горе МтацминдаGeorgia
One of the most famous mountains in Tbilisi is Mtatsminda mount. The name can be translated as “holy mount”. Most of tourists do not know that
Winter long trip 2014: sightseeings of Azerbaijan
По пути из Баку. Дороги АзербайджанаAzerbaijan
Our way began in Novosibirsk, Russia. The way to Azerbaijan’s border took 6 days. Then we had a chance to spend 1.5 days in a beautiful city –
Georgian Churches: Metekhi
Храм на скале в центре ТбилисиGeorgia
Metekhi Church was built in 12th century on Metekhi rock mount that is located on territory of present Tbilisi.